Executive Company Registration Package
Completion Time – 5 Working Days
Includes the following:
- New company registration
- Company registration documents
- Income tax registration
- FNB bank account
- BEE certificate
- Tax clearance certificate
- CSD registration
- Share certificates
- Accounting support
- Company logo
- Website
- Email setup
- Email signature
- Company letterhead
- Business cards design
- 3 months free accounting services
Main Requirements:
- 4 Possible company names. Make sure the names don’t include any special characters like !@#% etc.
- Clear, certified copies of all the Directors ID’s/Passports which are less than 3 months old.
- Email addresses, cell phone numbers and physical address of all the Directors (Minimum 1, maximum 10).
- Address, Email address for the Company.
Price – R4200
Category: Company Registrations
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